Tricks and Tips For a Safe Sunbathing

These days, a lot of people are having their maiden sunbathing for this year, so it’s good to remember a few tips on healthy and constructive beach behavior. If you want to have a pleasurable stay on sands of Adriatic, follow these simple rules to avoid unwanted sunburns:

1. Nice and Easy
The first tip for safe sunbathing is to take it very easy.
Be smart.
Always limit your exposure to the sun to brief periods and never at the hottest time of the day.
It´s far better to just enjoy the sun´s rays for a short time.

2. Don´t Overdo It
Being safe in the sun means never overdoing it.
Don´t fling yourself onto the lounger at the first sign of sun and stay there for hours.
Remember that you might not realise just how strong the sun is.
So even if you tan easily, or have covered yourself in Factor 50, don´t stay out in full sun for too long.

3. Correct Factor
Make sure that you buy a sun cream with a suitably high factor.
In hotter climates, factor 30 or above is probably best.
Even in cooler countries like the UK, it´s wise to wear sun cream on exposed areas, even if you don´t need a high factor.
Just look at your hands, and you may well notice that they look older than other parts of your skin.


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